Can taking USANA supplements with nutrient amounts greater than the RDA be dangerous?
Toxicities of vitamins and minerals have been fairly well-studied, and USANA has considered this information in
the formulation of all of our supplements. Most vitamins have low toxicities, and for many no toxicity has ever
been observed. Although some of the fat-soluble vitamins can be toxic at high doses, the amounts of vitamins and
minerals in USANA supplements do not come close to harmful levels when taken as directed, even when typical
dietary intakes are considered.
That said, it is important to note that USANA's products are designed as dietary "supplements;" they are not
intended to replace a healthy diet. They are formulated to supplement your diet so that you get optimum
amounts of both vitamins and minerals.
It is well-known that chronic intakes of vitamins and minerals well over the LOAEL (Lowest Observed Adverse
Effect Level) can cause health problems, but the amounts of vitamins and minerals found in the USANA products LOAEL的規定量,我們的產品是設計用來增進人們的健康,不是造成傷害
do not come close to those levels. Our products are designed to enhance people's health, not be detrimental to it.
Additional information on this topic can be found at the following "Ask the Scientists" article:
A good source of information on general vitamin and mineral safety is "Vitamin and Mineral Safety, 2nd Edition"
by John N. Hathcock, Ph.D. Council of Responsible Nutrition. 2004. Or, you can contact the Council for
一般的維他命及礦物質安全性可參考"Vitamin and Mineral Safety, 2nd Edition"一書網址如下
Responsible Nutrition directly at http://www.crnusa.org/
A side note: the amounts of vitamins and minerals used in our products are based on peer-reviewed scientific studies that showed definite results in helping with certain degenerative diseases. However, nutrional studies are ongoing and as the information changes we may adjust the dosages in our products. USANA remains fully committed to using the best information modern science has to offer.